The BathyNav AutoPilot enables the Bathycat to complete a survey area autonomously. It uses the same Mission Planner software popular in drone navigation to layout the survey lines and monitor progress.
The BathyNav kit includes everything to turn the BathyCat into a fully autonomous survey vessel in minutes.
size: 6″ x 4″ x 2.25″ polycarbonate waterproof case
Clear Cover: Enables user to see the status of the Hardware inside.
GPS: Internal GPS and accepts external NMEA input for RTK accuracy
Telem link: 500mw – 900mhz send/ recive to Mission planner
Telem link range: 1km
Compass: internal
USB: External USB port to configure the Auotpilot at your Desk.
Mission Planner: Software included to operate Autopilot
Buyers that have used “Mission Planner” software will be ready to go. Those who have not will realize the Autopilot system is complex, it requires time to learn, setup surveys and run test missions. Be prepared to task someone to initially learn the system. We have made a pretty thorough video manual that should cover all the steps of turning your RC BathyCat into a Autonomous unit.
The BathyNav has a TTL converter system so you can bring an auxiliary NMEA GPS string out of your GPS receiver. All survey GPS have this capability. Simply choose GGA and RMC in the NMEA output setup and bring it to the autopilot via a RS232 cable. Now the Autopilot has the same accuracy as your Survey.